There may be glitches when summoning items, so remember to use a new save file.We plan to create a very interesting demo by combining Grounding DINO and Segment Anything which aims to detect and segment Anything with text inputs! And we will continue to improve it and create more interesting demos based on this foundation. By entering these in the console command for Grounded, you can summon them to your location. There are many things you can summon in Grounded.

UnlockAllRecipes: Every weapon and tool recipe unlocks.unlockallperks: Unlocks all perks and mutations.toggledebugcamera: Gives you the ability to fly around the game as the camera.By entering “0”, time will be stopped completely. Increasing the number will speed up the day. timespeed #: Sets the speed at which time passes.pause: Pauses the game repeat the command to unpause.open SurvivalTest: Access the developer’s test level.open AR_00_World_Dev: View the world of the developers where things haven’t yet been added to the game.kill: Teleports you back to your spawn point after killing your character.InfiniteDamage: A single hit kills anything.FullRestore: Completely replenishes your stamina, health, thirst, and hunger.DamageTarget #: Inflicts damage on the target for the amount specified.ChangeSize #: Adjusts your size according to the number you enter.BuildAllBuildings: Automatically construct all blueprints laid out.AddWater #: This will fill your water meter according to the number you enter.

AddScience #: Gives you the amount of Raw Science you’ve added.AddFood #: This will fill your hunger meter according to the number you enter.Unfortunately, because the software is only on PC, you cannot use cheats in console versions of Grounded.